Should You Ever Reuse Dental Floss?

Posted on: 23 June 2018

Concerns about waste and litter have led people to try to reduce waste drastically. Plastic and other non-biodegradable waste like dental floss is a particular issue, and that has made some people wonder about reusing dental floss. The reasoning is that they can wash it so that it's clean and won't transfer bacteria back into the mouth. However, it's not that simple. You Reuse Nylon Toothbrushes, Right? One argument is that most floss is made of nylon, and toothbrush bristles are made of nylon, so if you can wash and reuse toothbrushes, why can't you do the same for floss?
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Cosmetic Dental Options For Misaligned Teeth

Posted on: 23 May 2018

Dental misalignments occur for various reasons, such as a traumatic blow to the mouth, natural tooth placement, or thumb-sucking. Once the teeth become misaligned, many people are uncomfortable with the appearance of the crooked teeth. If your teeth are crooked, there are many different cosmetic dental options that are available to make them appear straighter. Here are a few of them. Dental Veneers An application of dental veneers is an appropriate solution for teeth that are moderately misaligned.
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Three Things To Discuss With Your Dentist If You Suffer From Dry Mouth

Posted on: 20 April 2018

For some people, dry mouth can be a minor nuisance, but for others, it can be a chronic and frustrating problem. Leaving dry mouth untreated can, however, lead to certain dental problems. Discussing your dry mouth symptoms with your dentist can help determine causes and solutions to the problem. Here are just some of the reasons to discuss your dry mouth symptoms with your dentist. Gum Disease The saliva in your mouth is important for washing away bacteria that can lead to gum disease.
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3 Dental Services You May Need

Posted on: 21 March 2018

Taking care of your teeth is one of the most important things you can do. Keeping your teeth strong and clean will allow you to avoid many issues and have a smile that will stand the test of time. However, it's possible to need some type of dental work in time, and it's essential to get this done to avoid a tooth extraction. Being aware of specific dental services your family dentist can do may be extremely helpful to you.
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