Prepare Your Child For A Tooth Extraction

Posted on: 4 October 2018

Going to the dentist is an important experience. However, for children, the experience is not always filled with joy. When a child has to visit the dentist for a tooth extraction, they might be filled with questions, which can quickly lead to fear. As a parent, there are measures you can take to protect your child and prepare your child for the process; here are some of them. Talk About the Process
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How To Avoid Damaging Your Teeth And Keep The Need For Crowning At Bay

Posted on: 11 September 2018

A dental crown is a good way of protecting damaged teeth, but it is much better to protect your teeth from damage in the first place. Here are a few ways you can keep your teeth in good condition. Protect Your Teeth during Sports Accidental sports injuries can crack or split your teeth, leaving them vulnerable to other kinds of damage. One treatment for chipped or cracked teeth is to cover them up with a dental crown.
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3 Ways Your Cosmetic Dentist Can Enhance Your Overall Health

Posted on: 20 August 2018

While a cosmetic dentist can greatly improve the appearance of your teeth, he or she may also have the ability to enhance the condition of your overall state of general health. If you are feeling under the weather, your teeth may be to blame. Here are three ways your teeth can cause medical problems and how your cosmetic dentist may be able to help. Headaches Misshapen or broken teeth, depending upon the location and extent, can lead to oral pain and headaches.
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When To Replace A Dental Crown

Posted on: 22 July 2018

Dental crowns are fairly durable; they can last as long as 15 years if well cared for. However, this doesn't mean they are indestructible, and there are issues that can force you to remove your crown prematurely. Here are some of those issues and why they may necessitate crown removal. There Is a Tooth Decay Complication There are cases where a crowned tooth experiences decay (on the tooth, the crown cant decay) and risks leading to a cavity beyond the edges of the crown.
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